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Select Board Meeting Minutes 3/27/18
Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 3/27/18

Meeting Opened at: 5pm
Select Board Members Present: Steve Weisz, Chairperson, Carol Edelman and Kenneth Basler

Also in attendance: BJ Johnson, George Cain, Rebecca Wolin

Miscellaneous Items Reviewed:
  • Warrants were signed.
  • The Board reviewed a proposed letter to the Planning Board with regard to the process to recommend a temporary moratorium on recreational marijuana establishments at the upcoming town meeting.  An additional meeting has been set up for Thursday at 5pm to finalize the letter and check on questions regarding the article.
  • The Board met with the Finance Committee to discuss the following:
a.  Internal transfers totaling $23,328 to cover part time officer pay for shift coverage until a new sergeant was hired in addition to a medical leave.  Medical and sick leaves will be a topic that needs to be discussed for next year and how to fund for these unexpected occurrences.
b.  Free cash: Another discrepancy has been found, this time from FY16, that is going to affect our free cash for this year.  An $88k deficit from an improper internal accounting entry in 2016 was put on the recap; however it was not transferred back to the proper account.  The expected amount for free cash will be at most $100k; this affects the decisions made last week to use $95k of free cash.  Options were discussed and it was unanimously agreed amongst the Finance Committee and Select Board to use $75k of free cash to fund stabilization and to raise and appropriate $20k for the fire department hose.  Everyone agreed now that we have municipally experienced professionals in the Accounting and Treasurer’s office, these types of issues will be prevented in the future.
c.  Changes made to the town budget today reflect only a 1% increase over last year.  If the town approves the Select Board and Finance Committee’s recommendation to lower the Town Administrator salary and expenses to $1 and remove associated benefits, the budget will be a 0% increase.
d.  The Board expressed concern that Jon Sylbert was not present for this additionally scheduled meeting; it was proposed to hold one more meeting.  George and BJ stated that the Finance Committee had a quorum at this meeting and the last, the process has been followed, and therefore no additional meetings were necessary.  It was noted again that the process worked exceptionally well this year.
e.  A motion was made to approve the budget as a whole with the changes made today.  The motion was seconded and approved by the both the Select Board and Finance Committee.
  • Housing grant that was brought to the Board’s attention last week: In speaking with our grant writer, this is a lengthy application that is due in 2 days and requires participation from several boards.  The Board agreed that it was not realistic to ask our grant writer to follow up on this with such limited time and we will look into this for next year.  The Board will send a letter to BRPC letting them know that we are very interested but since we were not notified in a timely manner it isn’t possible to have it done by Thursday.
A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 6pm

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

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Select Board Members
Minutes Book
Town Clerk